Photo taken by Hailey Liu
I am a final year Ph.D. student in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science (Computer Science) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I am advised by Dr. Gang Wang.
My primary research interests are security and privacy, and its intersection areas with machine learning.
I am on the academic job market 2024-2025 and here are my materials: Application materials.
It Doesn't Look Like Anything to Me: Using Diffusion Model to Subvert Visual Phishing Detectors
Qingying Hao, Nirav Diwan, Ying Yuan, Giovanni Apruzzese, Mauro Conti, Gang Wang
In Proceedings of The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)
Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.
Supplementary Materials /
Are Adversarial Phishing Webpages a Threat in Reality? Understanding the Users’ Perception of Adversarial Webpages
Ying Yuan, Qingying Hao, Giovanni Apruzzese, Mauro Conti, and Gang Wang
In Proceedings of The ACM Web Conferencce (WWW)
Singapore, May 2024.
How to Cover up Anomalous Accesses to Electronic Health Records
Xiaojun Xu, Qingying Hao, Zhuolin Yang, Bo Li, David Liebovitz, Gang Wang, Carl Gunter
In Proceedings of The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)
Anaheim, CA, August 2023.
It's Not What It Looks Like: Manipulating Perceptual Hashing based Applications
Qingying Hao, Licheng Luo, Steve T.K. Jan, Gang Wang
In Proceedings of The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
Seoul, South Korea, November 2021.
Video /
CADE: Detecting and Explaining Concept Drift Samples for Security Applications
Limin Yang, Wenbo Guo, Qingying Hao, Arridhana Ciptadi, Ali Ahmadzadeh, Xinyu Xing, Gang Wang
In Proceedings of The 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)
Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2021.
PDF / Supplementary PDF /
Code / Artifact Evaluated
Throwing Darts in the Dark? Detecting Bots with Limited Data using Neural Data Augmentation
Steve T.K. Jan, Qingying Hao, Tianrui Hu, Jiameng Pu, Sonal Oswal, Gang Wang, Bimal Viswanath
In Proceedings of The 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE SP)
San Francisco, CA, May 2020.
Neural Cryptanalysis: Metrics, Methodology, and Applications in CPS Ciphers
Ya Xiao, Qingying Hao, Danfeng Yao
In Proceedings of The IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IDSC)
Hangzhou, China, November 2019.
The Research and Application of Enterprises' Dynamic Risk Monitoring and Assessment Model Based on Related Time Series
Yuqing Yu, Qingying Hao, Ping Hao
In Proceedings of The Chinese Automation Congress & Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference (CAC)
Jinan, China, October 2017.
Research and Application of Intelligent Electronic Risk Monitoring Model
Ping Hao, Zhou Zheng, Qingying Hao, Yuqing Yu
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology, March 2018.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 08/2019-present
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 08/2018-08/2019
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 08/2016-12/2017
M.S. in Information Security
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 08/2011-06/2015
B.S. in Information Science
Research Assisstant at Computer Science Department, UIUC, 09/2019-now
Research Assisstant at Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech, 09/2018-08/2019
Research Assisstant at Information Security Institute, Johns Hopkins University, 06/2016-10/2016